

This thing is still very much in progress - please don't share the link around yet. I'll be purging the database before it actually goes live, for now its just for testing. My plan is to soft-launch v1.0 around Sept 15.

The long-term goal is to design a site that gets people to answer questions about themselves (mental health, personality, lifestyle, etc). To that end, I plan to try a few different approaches ( being one, but other domain names / entry points as well). Even for now, I set up a few different splash pages I can try out (see below). For now there's a stream-of-consciousness rant in the about section explaining the idea of this, but I've been mostly focused on functionality so far, I'll continue to work on how best to present the background/motivation to appeal to anyone who comes to the site.

There are 3 main challenges, and I would love feedback on any of this:

- Design a simple but decent looking website that works and feels good to explore
- Find a concise but convincing way to explain the idea here and engage site visitors in a real way
- Figure out what questions to ask and how to ask them