How weird am I
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"Findings" to date:
Here's a result from what we've collected thus far (n=160 people). This figure shows correlations among people's answers to the first 20 questions. For a given pair of questions, a lighter square means the answers tend to be positively correlated, a darker square means the answers tend to be negatively correlated.
So far, we see correlations where we'd expect them (people who are older are more likely to be coupled / have kids, people who self-describe as autistic tend to disagree with the statement "I regularly make new friends"). Is this an amazing result? Well - yeah, kind of. People seem to be willing to come to this random ass website and answer questions about themselves honestly. (Some may take it less seriously than others, but overall, the answers make sense). Also apparently people who like horror movies don't eat healthy. So yeah, eat healthier, horror movie enthusiasts.