
Welcome to HWAI

What is this place?   Well, first things first, it is NOT A WEBSITE.   (...It is a website, and for now it will look best on a computer).
HWAI is an effort to crowd-source psychiatry research.
It's a choose-your-own-adventure series of surveys and ratings scales, from clinical symptom scales to myers-brigg / early-2010s-OkCupid-style Qs on personality and worldviews. You don't have to give identifying information, and just by answering some questions you can help the cause.
It's facetious in places, but it's also 100% sincere. I work in this field, and while the hype around "AI" can be annoying, the science is for real. With the right dataset, it could massively improve our ability to understand and help people with a range of mental health issues. And I think if people worked together, we could built that dataset.
There's more detail on the idea behind this in the about section, but if you have 3 minutes, I suggest you just take the baseline survey, and then you can see some results and explore from there.